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Showing posts from November, 2020

Thanksgiving and the Man in the Tree

Can we do more? Today millions of people with gather around the dinner table and tell one another what they are thankful for. My question is, “Is there more though?” In reading Luke 19:1-10, I believe the answer is, yes. Zacchaeus’ thanksgiving is not only a reflection, but also a response. He shows us thanksgiving in not just something we are to do at the gathering, furthermore it flows from the gathering and communion with Christ. Zacchaeus puts skin on the bones of gratitude by taking it beyond warm sentiment to a faithful pledge of action. The Scripture tells us that Zacchaeus was a son of Abraham and a tax collector. He was a Jewish man, doing the Roman governments bidding to collect on the debts of his Jewish neighbors. As a tax collector, Zacchaeus was a pitbull for the oppressing government’s treasury, and any surplus that he was able to finagle from his own people was used to line his pockets. To put it in today’s terms, imagine your neighborhood friend growing up to work fo